L’esempio in questione mi è stato raccontato a lezione, ma ho trovato interessante l’idea di portarlo alla vostra attenzione proprio per dare una tangibilità a quanto spesso si dice e, molto meno spesso, viene messo in pratica: Il caso trattato è “ l’area del Chianti “, luogo quasi mistico e leggendario per gli amanti del buon vino, dove le vigne sembrano essere state create direttamente dalle mani di Bacco…
Questo territorio ha saputo valorizzarsi negli anni riuscendo a trasmettere una elevata, quasi aulica, cultura del buon vino, dei sapori, della buona cucina e, in generale, del marchio italiano nel mondo. Questa regione ha, dunque, saputo sfruttare la sua potenza storica, ma non si è fermata a tanto, ha saputo andare oltre, creando eventi e ricontestualizzando un territorio destinato a trasparire puramente per la sua fama geografica in un nuovo mondo, che sapesse riunire l’ambiguità del giovane alla saggezza del vecchio: si è deciso di fondere arte contemporanea e vino, attraverso manifestazioni, eventi culturali, opere d’autore… chi visita il Chianti oggi non è più soltanto un turista che sa gustare il sapere e il sapore delle rinomate vigne che l’hanno reso famoso, ma, sempre di più, è un turista diverso, innovativo, complesso e che ama l’idea di scoprire un paesaggio e un tessuto urbano insito di una grande contemporaneità, riuscendo ad ammirare e a capire le opere che i più grandi artisti hanno saputo immortalare su questo terreno, creando un contesto urbano radicalmente rinnovato.
Chi ha saputo ideare questa soluzione, a parere personale, ha saputo guardare avanti, verso soluzioni nuove, non più di semplice rendita, ma di una vera e propria spinta al cambiamento. È solo un passo verso un’Italia diversa, ma l’importante è che qualcuno si muova…
We have already made a lot of talking about wine in this blog and it’s seemed very useful to me pointing out that, of course, this matter can be linked to both the “Made in Italy” concept and a new way of giving value to the land of our country with the goal, as I have written in my last post, of attracting a more active kind of turism.
I’ve found this idea very interesting and I’d like to bring this topic to the attention of all of you:
I’m talking about “chiantishire”. This is the way english people call Toscana region nowadays.
That is a mystical and a legendary land for a wine connoisseur, where people like to think that all the wineyards were created by the hands of God Bacco himself.
During the years this region has known how to bring value to its land, the good wine, the good food and of course to the italian brand in the whole world.
This region has used its magnificent history for doing so, but this hasn’t stopped there, Tuscany has gone beyond all of that giving a brand new contextualization to a land that was supposed to be noticed only for its geographical fame in a new world, where the ambiguity of the young is in contrast with the wisdom of the old.
We have to put toghether contemporary art and wine and a good way for doing so is promoting cultural events because who want to visit the chiantishire is not only a turist that knows how to enjoy both tastes and knowledge of its well-known wineyards, but it is an innovative kind of turist that loves the idea of the mix between beautiful landscapes and a really contemporary urban texture, being able to admire and understand all the masterpieces left to us by the greatest artists in the world.
My personal opinion is that who did this has known how to look forward and the main goal to achieve is giving the innovation a great push.
This is just a little step towards a different Italy and my final and most important point is that somebody must do something about this matter.
I’ve found this idea very interesting and I’d like to bring this topic to the attention of all of you:
I’m talking about “chiantishire”. This is the way english people call Toscana region nowadays.
That is a mystical and a legendary land for a wine connoisseur, where people like to think that all the wineyards were created by the hands of God Bacco himself.
During the years this region has known how to bring value to its land, the good wine, the good food and of course to the italian brand in the whole world.
This region has used its magnificent history for doing so, but this hasn’t stopped there, Tuscany has gone beyond all of that giving a brand new contextualization to a land that was supposed to be noticed only for its geographical fame in a new world, where the ambiguity of the young is in contrast with the wisdom of the old.
We have to put toghether contemporary art and wine and a good way for doing so is promoting cultural events because who want to visit the chiantishire is not only a turist that knows how to enjoy both tastes and knowledge of its well-known wineyards, but it is an innovative kind of turist that loves the idea of the mix between beautiful landscapes and a really contemporary urban texture, being able to admire and understand all the masterpieces left to us by the greatest artists in the world.
My personal opinion is that who did this has known how to look forward and the main goal to achieve is giving the innovation a great push.
This is just a little step towards a different Italy and my final and most important point is that somebody must do something about this matter.
Stefano Guerra per marketingarena
Ringraziamo Francesco Codamo per la traduzione